40 years Inspired by Dedication

Our company history

1978 saw the founding of Institut Virion\Serion GmbH in the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany.

From the outset the company has specialized in the manufacture of in vitro diagnostic products for the infectious disease serology and has, due to continual growth, twice expanded into new premises over the past 40 years.



Company foundation in Wurzburg

Foundation of the Institut Virion\Serion GmbH with the product line SERION CFT reagents in Wurzburg (Germany).


Extension of the product portfolio

Introduction of our second product line SERION ELISA classic for detection of pathogen-specific antibodies.


Foundation SERION Immundiagnostica GmbH

Foundation of SERION Immundiagnostica GmbH for handling our foreign trade in our in vitro diagnostics.



CE-Certification of research and development, production and sales of our in vitro diagnostics in order to secure our high quality standards. 


Base in China

Set up of a foreign representation in Peking. At the same time Institut Virion/Serion registered the complete ToRCH panel of the product line SERION ELISA classic as the first company worldwide to do so in China.



Relocation of Institut Virion\Serion GmbH to the Science-park in the eastern part of the city of Wurzburg, necessary due to continuously increasing number of employees.  


Market launch Immunomat

Market launch of the Immunomat for an effective automated processing and analysis of SERION ELISA Immunoassays. 


Development Multianalyt

Development of a particle-based product line, SERION Mulianalyt, for the simultaneous quantification of multiple parameters in a small volume.


Center of Excellence

Construction of the new building Center of Excellence mainly for the Research and Development department. 


Launch of SERION Immunologics

Launch of the Product division SERION Immunologics for the distribution of high quality raw materials e.g. bulk Antigens, Disease State Sera and Monoclonal Antibodies and different customized solutions.


TOP JOB Certificate

Awarded with the TOP JOB Certificate. 2015 Institut Virion\Serion counted among the best employers in the category medium-sized German business.  


Foundation Virion\Serion Biotechnology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Foundation of Virion\Serion Biotechnology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. to intensify our activities on the Chinese market.    


Launch SERION Diagnostics

Launch of the Product division SERION Diagnostics to focus deeper on the in vitro diagnostics of the Institut Virion\Serion GmbH. 


Forty years of Virion\Serion

Our company anniversary is celebrated with the launch of a new Corporate Design and a brand new website.


TOP JOB Certificate

Institut Virion\Serion GmbH has been awarded the TOP JOB certificate for the second time.